Newsletter 02

The European project LEX(e)CON, started with a research exercise of collection of best practices to ensure that each partner addresses common issues to an agreed depth and according to ground-breaking techniques and knowledge extracted from references of excellence.

This Analysis Report has also included results from surveys and interviews conducted with experts working with people living with dyslexia , which enables a common way of inclusive thinking in terms of Dyslexia, namely through each Partner Country: Austria, Hungary, Spain and Turkey.

The best practice report (Project Result 1) is an analysis of the situation and needs of people with dyslexia which will establish the main guidelines for the project’s framework and inspirational role models to later develop the Online Course material.

PR1 will also be a deliverable with transferability value that any interested entity in the project topics may consult, adapt to their work or use as guide for the implementation of volunteering in Dyslexia programs.

If you want to know more about the result, here is the link to the “Results” section of the project website where you can find out more:

Finally, during the past 20th & 21st of October partners held the 2nd transnational meeting in Volos (Greece), where they focused on the upcoming steps and discussed about the importance of entrepreneurship customized training opportunities for citizens with special needs, including dyslexia.

Thanks for your attention and Stay tuned for more news about the project LEX(e)CON.

This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project No: 2021-2-AT01-KA220-ADU-000048225

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